Canada's Top 50 Research Universities 2023

Research Universities of the Year - Medical
Tier Rank
University Total
$ per Faculty
$ per Graduate Student
Total Number
of Publications
Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
1 University of Toronto 1 1 6 1 1 1 96.9
2 McGill University 3 3 2 3 3 3 88.1
3 University of British Columbia 2 9 7 2 4 4 78.1
4 McMaster University 9 2 3 8 2 2 76.9
5 University of Calgary 6 4 4 6 6 8 71.3
6 University of Alberta 5 8 1 4 7 9 70.0
7 University of Ottawa 8 5 8 7 5 7 65.6
8 Université de Montréal 4 6 13 5 9 5 65.0
9 Université Laval 7 7 12 10 14 6 47.5
10 University of Saskatchewan 11 10 5 14 11 16 35.6
11 Queen's University 15 11 15 13 8 10 31.9
12 Western University 12 16 14 9 10 11 31.9
13 University of Manitoba 13 14 9 11 13 14 28.1
14 Dalhousie University 14 15 10 12 12 13 25.6
15 Université de Sherbrooke 10 12 16 16 16 12 21.3
16 Memorial University of Newfoundland 16 13 11 15 15 15 16.3

  1. Based on full-service universities that placed on the 2023 Top 50 Research Universities list; and for each measure in each tier, the top ranking institution was assigned a score of 100 and the other institutions’ scores were allocated points and calculated based on their ranking positions.
  2. University tiers: Medical = have a medical school; Comprehensive = have a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs; Undergraduate = have mainly undergraduate programs.
  3. Apparent ties due to rounding.

Research Universities of the Year - Comprehensive
Tier Rank
University Total
$ per Faculty
$ per Graduate Student
Total Number
of Publications
Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
1 University of Waterloo 1 3 3 1 1 1 94.5
2 University of Guelph 2 1 1 2 2 10 86.4
3 University of Victoria 3 2 2 5 3 3 80.9
4 Simon Fraser University 4 4 4 3 4 2 76.4
5 Carleton University 7 6 7 6 5 5 54.5
6 Concordia University 8 7 9 7 6 4 46.4
7 York University 5 10 8 4 9 6 45.5
8 University of New Brunswick 10 5 6 11 7 8 36.4
9 Toronto Metropolitan University 9 8 5 8 10 11 30.9
10 Université du Québec à Montréal 6 9 10 9 11 7 30.0
11 University of Windsor 11 11 11 10 8 9 18.2

  1. Based on full-service universities that placed on the 2023 Top 50 Research Universities list; and for each measure in each tier, the top ranking institution was assigned a score of 100 and the other institutions’ scores were allocated points and calculated based on their ranking positions.
  2. University tiers: Medical = have a medical school; Comprehensive = have a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs; Undergraduate = have mainly undergraduate programs.

Research Universities of the Year - Undergraduate
Tier Rank
University Total
$ per Faculty
$ per Graduate Student
Total Number
of Publications
Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
1 Ontario Tech University 7 6 6 3 1 9 81.4
2 University of Regina 5 9 15 1 2 2 80.5
3 Lakehead University 6 10 11 5 5 3 73.3
4 Université du Québec à Rimouski 3 1 3 14 9 11 72.4
5 Laurentian University 2 2 2 9 16 10 71.4
6 University of Northern British Columbia 11 7 4 12 6 1 68.1
7 Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières 1 5 16 6 13 13 67.1
8 Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue 8 3 7 16 3 14 66.2
9 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi 4 4 14 10 7 19 65.2
10 University of Lethbridge 10 13 5 7 11 12 57.6
11 Trent University 15 16 13 8 4 5 55.2
12 Brock University 13 21 18 2 8 8 50.5
13 Wilfrid Laurier University 9 19 20 4 14 7 48.1
14 University of Winnipeg 12 12 1 15 18 6 47.1
15 Royal Military College of Canada 14 8 8 19 15 20 38.1
16 University of Prince Edward Island 19 18 9 11 10 17 37.1
17 Saint Mary's University 16 17 12 13 12 15 36.7
18 Université du Québec en Outaouais 17 15 19 18 17 4 30.0
19 Université de Moncton 18 20 10 16 20 18 21.0
20 Thompson Rivers University 20 14 17 20 19 16 19.5
21 Université TÉLUQ 21 11 21 21 21 21 11.9

  1. Based on full-service universities that placed on the 2023 Top 50 Research Universities list; and for each measure in each tier, the top ranking institution was assigned a score of 100 and the other institutions’ scores were allocated points and calculated based on their ranking positions.
  2. University tiers: Medical = have a medical school; Comprehensive = have a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs; Undergraduate = have mainly undergraduate programs.
  3. Apparent ties due to rounding.

Research Universities of the Year Ranking Method 2023

Canada's Top 50 Research Universities List 2023 ranks full-service universities based on their total sponsored research income. In order to obtain a more balanced picture of how universities are performing, the Research Universities of the Year (RUY) rankings take into account key measures of research success. The measures included are: total sponsored research income, research intensity per faculty, research intensity per graduate student, total number of publications, publication intensity and publication impact.

For each measure in each tier (category), the top ranking institution was assigned a score of 100 and the other institutions' scores were allocated points and calculated based on their ranking positions. The total score for each university was out of a possible 100 points.

Listed below is an explanation of each criterion:

  1. Total Sponsored Research Income (20%)
    • Based on the university's Fiscal 2022 Top 50 sponsored research income amount.
    • Financial data were obtained from Statistics Canada except where otherwise noted on the Top 50 Research Universities list.

  2. Research Intensity per Faculty (20%)
    • Research intensity per faculty is defined as total research income per faculty (full, associate and assistant faculty positions only were included). Fiscal 2022 research income and academic year.
    • 2021-2022 faculty data were used to calculate ranks and allocate points.
    • Faculty data were obtained from the Research Infosource's University R&D Database.

  3. Research Intensity per Graduate Student (10%)
    • Research intensity per graduate student is defined as total research income per graduate student (graduate students include full and part-time students enrolled in graduate level master's and doctorate programs and courses leading to degrees, certificates or diplomas). Fiscal 2022 research income and academic year 2021-2022 graduate student enrollment data were used to calculate ranks and allocate points.
    • Graduate student data were obtained from Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission, Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur, Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development, Manitoba Advanced Learning Division, Alberta Advanced Education, BC HEADSet and some individual universities.

  4. Total Number of Publications (20%)
    • Publications include articles, notes and reviews published by researchers affiliated with Canadian universities or research hospitals in 13,597 peer-reviewed scientific international journals, covering different fields of natural science, health science and social science and humanities. Points are based on the total number of publications published by researchers affiliated with a particular university. Rankings were based on publication data for bibliographic calendar year 2021 (the latest final data available).
    • Publication data were obtained from Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science).

  5. Publication Intensity (20%)
    • Publication intensity is defined as the total number of publications per faculty (full, associate and assistant faculty positions only were included). It has been estimated that there is, on average, a minimum 2-year lag time between research and publication. Bibliographic calendar year 2021 (the latest final data available) was used for publication counts and academic year 2018-2019 for faculty counts were used to calculate the ranking and allocate points.
    • Faculty data were obtained from the Research Infosource's University R&D Database.

  6. Publication Impact (10%)
    • Points are based on the Average Relative Impact Factor (ARIF), which was developed and provided by OST. It is based on a measure of the perceived impact of research through a calculation of citations received by journals. The impact factor does not measure the specific number of citations per article (direct impact), but rather, a measure of the probability of being cited (perceived impact). OST developed the ARIF to compare the impact factor from several specialties because an article's probability of being cited is not the same for all fields. The ARIF does not include journals on the Humanities field. To ensure that the ARIF score was meaningful, any university with less than 125 publications was not allocated points. Rankings were based on ARIF scores for 2021 (the latest final data available).
    • Impact data were obtained from Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science).
